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Here is the list of items showing how many current eBay auctions are underway.
The detail will show the current bid price for the item.

ItemYear Released Year Retired CollectionPart Number Right Now on eBay
D.Miguel De Cervantes19861991Sculptures and Nudes10030070
D.Quijote Y Sancho19861991Sculptures and Nudes10030080
Dachshund20072015Cats and Dogs10083171
Daddy's Blessing19982005Motherhood and Families100650412
Daddy's Little Sweetheart19952009Motherhood and Families10062020
Dahlia W/Base19841990Flowers10151800
Daily Chores19952000Women10123290
Daintiness19831986Sculptures and Nudes10135390
Dainty Lady19741985Women100493418
Dainty Lady19741985Women10149340
Daisies, Time Of Joy20032008Children10069465
Daisy With Flowers2017Vases and Decorative Obj.10092521
Daisyflower Cup With Sauc19942000Lart de la Table10060531
Dalmatian19741981Cats and Dogs100126025
Dalmatian19741981Cats and Dogs10012610
Dalmatian19741981Cats and Dogs10012620
Dalmatian19741981Cats and Dogs10112600
Dalmatian19741981Cats and Dogs10112610
Dalmatian19741981Cats and Dogs10112620
Damask Green Center Piece19721981Lart de la Table10147960
Damask Grey Center Piece19721981Lart de la Table10147970
Danae19942002Sculptures and Nudes10130290
Danaus Plexippus20052008Fantasy10180991
Dance Of Joy20012005Women10124243
Dance Of Love19911994Bridal and Romanticism10058200
Dance Of The Dolphins19972003Animals10064566
Dance Of The Nymphs19992005Fantasy10018442
Dancer19801985Ballet and Circus101212399
Dancer19942002Ballet and Circus10122671
Dancer (Special Edition)2012Women10071893
Dancers19581980Ballet and Circus100010733
Dancers From The Nile2004Women10124574
Dancers From The Nile (Golden Re-Deco)2014Women10085912
Dancers Resting19781983Ballet and Circus10049923
Dancing Class19911996Children10057418
Dancing Crane19892001Animals10016142
Dancing Ganesha2008Buddhism and Hinduism10083274
Dancing Ganesha (Limited Edition)2009Buddhism and Hinduism10071833
Dancing The Polka19841994Bridal and Romanticism10052528
Dancing The Polka19841992Children10152521
Dante19821983Around the World10051771
Dark Blue Lladro Spoon19871991Functional Beauty10015484
Dawn L.E.19831989Sculptures and Nudes10130001
Day Dreamer19821991Children10014115
Day Dreamer19821991Children10114110
Day Dreaming At Sea2005Fantasy10181121
Day Dreaming At Sea (Golden Re-Deco)2011Fantasy10085603
Day Dreaming At Sea (Silver Re-Deco)2014Fantasy10085461
Daydreaming19902002Sculptures and Nudes101302211
Daydreaming By The Pond2012Women10086642
Days Of Yore19931998Men10122482
Dear Santa19952000Christmas10061666
Declaration Of Love19992009Bridal and Romanticism100659713
Decorative Dove19701981Functional Beauty10046921
Decorative Hen19711981Animals10120360
Decorative Peacock19711981Functional Beauty10147661
Decorative Peacock (W)19711981Functional Beauty10147670
Decorative Pheasant19701981Functional Beauty10046931
Decorative Rooster19711981Animals10120330
Deep Impact2016Horses10091843
Deep In Thought19861990Spain and Traditions10053897
Deep In Thought20002003Women10124080
Deer Hunt19701981Animals10145210
Deer's Fight19821985Animals10051310
Deity(Black)19931995Sculptures and Nudes10159840
Deity(Sand)19931995Sculptures and Nudes10159850
Deity(White)19931995Sculptures and Nudes10059830
Delicate Bundle19952000Children10061673
Delicate Nature2006Children10082405
Delivering Magic20042008Christmas10068982
Delivery Boy19741981Men10049066
Delivery Boy19741981Men10149060
Delphica19962002Sculptures and Nudes10162490
Demure19831986Sculptures and Nudes10135432
Demure Centaur Girl19851990Fantasy10053200
Demure Centaur Girl19851990Fantasy10153200
Demureness19891992Sculptures and Nudes10130202
Dentist19972001Sports and Professions10064506
Dentist19711985Sports and Professions100476222
Derby Winner19891991Horses10055440
Desert People19821992Men10135551
Desert Tour19871990Bridal and Romanticism10054020
Destination Big Top19961998Ballet and Circus100624526
Destiny (Ebony Look)20072010Men10082790
Devoted Friends19901995Children10121990
Devoted Reader19892015Angels10121851
Diana Goddess Of The Hunt19962001Fantasy10062691
Dignity19871997Sculptures and Nudes10130150
Dinner Is Served19951998Children10062350
Dinner Is Served19951998Children10162350
Disciple Of Buda19721981Buddhism and Hinduism10112360
Discoveries19901993Sculptures and Nudes10130241
Discovering The World2014Children10087550
Discovery - Cherubs On Large Turq.Earth20082015Angels10072391
Discovery-Cherubs On Large Light Turq.Ea20082015Angels10072400
Divers W. Chicken19801985Animals10121160
Divine Love2010Buddhism and Hinduism10019624
Divine Love2001Legend10179100
Divine Love Lithophane2019Lighting010174540
Divine Love Lithophane Rechargeable Led2019Lighting010174550
Doc2018Disney Characters010093211
Doctor19702000Sports and Professions100460264
Dog19701990Cats and Dogs10010680
Dog19741981Cats and Dogs1001316242
Dog19701981Cats and Dogs10045839
Dog19701981Cats and Dogs10046428
Dog20052011Jewelry Accessories10100390
Dog19701981Cats and Dogs10145830
Dog19701981Cats and Dogs10146420
Dog & Bird Cup With Sauce19942001Lart de la Table10060461
Dog & Dice19561980Cats and Dogs100010531
Dog & Frog Cup With Sauce19942001Lart de la Table10060420
Dog And Butterfly19741981Cats and Dogs10049178
Dog And Cat19791998Children100503267
Dog And Cat19941998Children10122660
Dog And Cat19791992Children101503217
Dog And Snail19711986Cats and Dogs100113930
Dog In The Basket19711985Cats and Dogs10011286

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